ZUTOMAYO INTENSE IN HONG KONG (PREMIUM會員優先購票登記 PREMIUM Member Ticket Presale Registration)


PREMIUM 會員優先購票登記
PREMIUM Member Ticket Presale Registration


•⁠  ⁠This is a special Asia tour set, it will be different from the set up of “Pegasus Of Love” tour 
•⁠  ⁠The performance will last for around 90 minutes

節目資訊 Event Information

Show Date
2024年6月11日 (星期二)
Tuesday, 11 June 2024
Show Time
亞洲國際博覽館 Runway 11
AsiaWorld-Expo, Runway 11
地  址
AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau Island, Hong Kong
Ticket Price
(全場企位 All Standing)


PREMIUM 會員優先購票登記 PREMIUM Member Ticket Presale Registration

所有持有效官方 ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM 會籍的中國大陸或香港地區會員,均可登記是次會員優先購票。
This PREMIUM member ticket registration is for the official ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM members of mainland China or Hong Kong region ONLY.

  1. 在 KKTIX 進行此會員優先購票登記前,必須確保已持有 ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM 官方會員會籍。(按此登記成為 ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM 會員)
    Make sure you have joined the ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM member before registration. (visit here to become a ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM member)
  2. 優先購票登記期間:2024年3月6日 晚上8時正2024年3月9日 晚上10時59分 (香港時間)
    Registration period: 6 March 2024 8:00PM9 March 2024 10:59PM (Hong Kong Time)

  3. 每個登記需要收取 HK$12 平台服務費。
    An additional booking fee of HK$12 is applicable for each registration.

  4. 完成登記不代表必定獲得購票資格。
    Completing the registration DOES NOT mean you have been successfully granted the ticket purchase qualification. 

  5. 無論最終是否成功獲得優先購票資格,登記時所支付之平台服務費 HK$12 均不設退款。
    The HK$12 booking fee is non-refundable under any circumstances, even if the registration is unsuccessful.

  6. 如提交 KKTIX平台的ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM會員資料與ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM官方會員平台的紀錄不符,該登記將不獲受理。
    If the ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM member information provided to KKTIX ticketing platform does not align with the official records of ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM membership, the registration will be denied.

  7. 每個 ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM 會員只限登記 1 張門票
    Each ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM member can register up to 1 ticket only.

  8. 門票數量有限,登記形式為先到先得。
    Tickets are limited in quantity and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

  9. 成功獲取優先購票資格之 ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM 會員,將於 2024年3月11日 中午12時 或之前獲 KKTIX 電郵通知購票詳情。
    The members who have been successfully granted the ticket purchase qualification, will receive an email from KKTIX with further ticket purchase details on or before 12 Noon, 11 March 2024.

  10. 遞交登記後會向您發出「訂單成立通知」電郵。電子郵件可能因不同因素未能寄到您的郵箱,因此僅作交易通知之用。沒收到「訂單成立通知」電郵不代表交易沒有成功。一旦無法確認登記是否交易成功,請前往會員帳戶的「訂單」查詢您的消費資料。只要是成功遞交登記,皆會顯示您所消費的資訊;若查不到您所登記的資訊或是收到「訂單逾期取消」的通知,即表示交易並未成功,請重新遞交登記。若您是付款失敗,請於付款期限之內再次嘗試用信用卡付款。
    An order confirmation email will be sent to your email address upon each successful registration. The email could be undelievered to your email system due to various reasons. The confirmation email is for notification purposes only. The inability to receive the confirmation email does not equal to failure of the transaction. You can visit “Your Billing List” to view the details of your orders. If you cannot view the related order or if you receive a cancellation notification email, that means your transaction failed and you should try ordering again. If your payment method fails during the purchase, please try again within the specified time limit.

  11. 持優先購票資格之會員須於 2024年3月11日 晚上10時59分 或之前在 KKTIX 完成付款程序。
    The members with the ticket purchase qualification must complete their purchase on KKTIX on or before 10:59pm, 11 March 2024.

  12. 成功出售的預售門票每張需要額外收取行政手續費及平台服務費 HK$21。
    Additional handling fee and booking fee of HK$21 is applicable to each presale ticket.


實體門票領取方式 Physical Ticket Collection

所有成功於 KKTIX 購買預售門票之人士:
All persons who successfully purchased ticket during the presale on KKTIX:

  1. 均會在 KKTIX 上獲得 QR Code 供換領實體門票之用
    shall receive the QR Code for redeeming physical ticket on KKTIX
  2. 須憑 QR Code 於演出當日於場館現場 領取您的實體門票
    must collect your physical ticket with the QR Code at the venue on the day of show

請注意 Attention:

用以換領實體門票的 QR Code 無法用作入場用途,請務必在演出前憑 QR Code 於指定地點領取您的實體門票。
The ticket redemption QR Code cannot be used for admission. Please remember to redeem your physical ticket at the specified locations before the show.

根據 ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM 會員平台的條款 ,成功優先購票的觀眾於音樂會當天入場時,須出示住址證明及會員 MY PAGE 以作核對,如發現任何不當行為(如非購票本人入場等)主辦方將禁止該觀眾入場而不予退票。
As per the terms and conditions of the ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM membership platform, individuals who have successfully purchased presale tickets have to provide proof of residence and access their MY PAGE membership for verification upon entry to the concert venue. In the event of any misconduct, such as unauthorized admission by a third party other than the ticket purchaser, the organizer reserves the right to deny entry to the individual in question and will not provide a refund for the ticket.


票區圖 Seating Plan

登記方式說明 How To Register

您的 KKTIX 帳號須完成「手機號碼及電子郵件地址驗證」才能進行購票流程,請前往 https://kktix.com/users/edit 確認您的電話號碼及電子郵件是否已經認證完畢。提醒您請勿使用Yahoo、Hotmail信箱註冊及驗證,以避免驗證信未能寄達。
You must verify your phone number and email address before you can purchase on KKTIX. Please visit https://kktix.com/users/edit to confirm if your verification is successful. Avoid using Yahoo or Hotmail as your login email as verification emails might be undelivered to these service providers.
  1. 此優先購票登記只限 ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM 中國大陸或香港地區會員參加。優先購票登記期間為2024年3月6日 晚上8時至2024年3月9日 晚上10時59分 (香港時間)。
    This premium member presale registration is valid for ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM members of mainland China or Hong Kong region only. Registration period is 8:00pm, 6 March 2024 to 10:59pm, 9 March 2024 (Hong Kong Time).

  2. 成功獲取優先購票資格之 ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM 會員,將於 2024年3月11日 中午12時 或之前獲 KKTIX 電郵通知購票詳情。
    The members who have successfully granted the ticket purchase qualification, will receive an email from KKTIX with further ticket purchase details on or before 12 Noon, 11 March 2024.

  3. 優先購票登記須付平台服務費 HK$12。遞交登記後,閣下可隨時在 KKTIX App 或 KKTIX 網站查看已遞交之申請。無論最終是否成功獲得優先購票資格,登記時所支付之平台服務費 HK$12 均不設退款。如有任何爭議,主辦方將保留最終決定權。
    The presale registration includes a booking fee of HK$12. Your submitted registration can be viewed on the KKTIX App and KKTIX website upon completion of the registration. The booking fee of HK$12 is not refundable in any event even if the registration is not successful. In case of any dispute, the organizer reserves the right of final decision.

  4. 如欲參加此次 ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM 會員優先購票,觀眾須同時成為ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM 會員及登記成為 KKTIX 會員。
    登記成為ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM會員,請按此
    登記成為 KKTIX 會員,請先免費加入成會員並盡早通過手機號碼及電子郵件地址驗證,以便進行購票流程。接收不到電話驗證碼短訊怎麼辦?請點我
    To participate in the ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM Member Ticket Presale Registration, you must be a member of both ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM membership and KKTIX.
    To become a ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM member, please visit here
    To become a KKTIX member, please sign up as a member here for free and verify your email address and phone number at your earliest convenience. Unable to receive the phone number verification code? Please read me.

  5. 每位 ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM會員只需登記1次,重複登記將不獲受理。遞交登記後,恕不接受更改、取消、退回或退款。
    Each ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM member should submit the registration once only. No duplicated submission will be accepted. No modifications, cancellations, returns or refunds will be accepted once the registration is submitted.

  6. 為了確保您的權益,強烈建議您在註冊會員或結帳時填寫的聯絡人電子郵件,盡量不要使用 Yahoo 或 Hotmail 郵件信箱,以免因為擋信、漏信,甚至被視為垃圾郵件而無法收到「訂單成立通知信」。
    An “order confirmation email” will be sent to the email address you have registered with. To ensure that you receive this important email, we strongly recommend AGAINST using Yahoo or Hotmail for registration.

  7. 本登記只接受 VISA / Mastercard / UnionPay 信用卡付款。
    This registration only accepts VISA / Mastercard / UnionPay credit cards.

  8. 遞交登記後會向您發出「訂單成立通知」電郵。電子郵件可能因不同因素未能寄到您的郵箱,因此僅作交易通知之用。沒收到「訂單成立通知」電郵不代表交易沒有成功。一旦無法確認登記是否交易成功,請前往會員帳戶的「訂單」查詢您的消費資料。只要是成功遞交登記,皆會顯示您所消費的資訊;若查不到您所登記的資訊或是收到「訂單逾期取消」的通知,即表示交易並未成功,請重新遞交登記。若您是付款失敗,請於付款期限之內再次嘗試用信用卡付款。
    An order confirmation email will be sent to your email address upon each successful registration. The email could be undelievered to your email system due to various reasons. The confirmation email is for notification purposes only. The inability to receive the confirmation email does not equal to failure of the transaction. You can visit “Your Billing List” to view the details of your orders. If you cannot view the related order or if you receive a cancellation notification email, that means your transaction failed and you should try ordering again. If your payment method fails during the purchase, please try again within the specified time limit.


注意事項 Terms & Conditions

  1. 登記 ZUTOMAYO PREMIUM 會員優先購票 前請詳閱注意事項,一旦遞交登記則視為同意所有活動注意事項。
    Please pay attention to all terms and conditions. You agree to all rules and regulations if you submit your registration.

  2. 請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非 KKTIX 正式授權售票之渠路、網站購票,以免影響自身權益。除可能衍生詐騙案件或交易糾紛外,若發生演出現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及 KKTIX 概不負責。
    To protect your rights and interests, please do not purchase tickets through any unofficial ticketing platforms or channels that are not authorized by KKTIX. Fraud and disputes may occur during the transaction. Meanwhile, the organizer and KKTIX will not be responsible for any admission issues or other problems caused by the tickets from unauthorized ticketing platforms.

  3. 成功遞交之登記或重複登記恕不接受任何退款。
    No returns, exchanges or refunds will be accepted after submission, including duplicated registrations.

  4. 如發現有任何不尋常的紀錄、炒賣或任何涉及違法的行為,KKTIX 有權取消其入場資格並保留一切法律追究的權利。所有已支付的門票費用,包括手續費及行政費均不會退還。
    If any unusual transactions, illegal acts or speculation is found, KKTIX has the right to cancel their qualifications of entry and reserves the right to take legal actions. All ticket fees paid, including booking and handling fees, will not be refunded.

  5. 企位區觀眾必須年滿 12 歲或以上及身高須達到 140 厘米或以上。12歲或以下的觀眾必須由成人陪同,每票只限一人。一人一票、憑票入場。
    Standing zone audience must be at the age of 12 or above and with a body height of 140cm or above. Audience under the age of 12 need to be accompanied by an adult. Each ticket admits one person only.
  6. 活動相關訊息變動,主辦單位保留隨時變更或終止此活動之權利。
    The organizer reserves the rights to suspend, terminate, amend or modify the event if there are any changes necessary.

  7. 有關活動資訊及詳情,歡迎向主辦單位 Neon Lit and Clockenflap Presents 查詢。如對票務安排有任何疑問,歡迎 inbox KKTIX Facebook (KKTIX Hong Kong) 或 KKTIX Instagram (@kktix_hk) 查詢。
    For questions related to the programme or the event, please contact the organizer Neon Lit and Clockenflap Presents. For any ticketing enquiries, please send your message to KKTIX’s Facebook (KKTIX Hong Kong) or KKTIX’s Instagram (@kktix_hk).

亞洲國際博覽館 Runway 11 / AsiaWorld-Expo, Runway 11


チケット種別 販売期間 価格
HK$980 門票登記 Ticket Registration

2024/03/06 20:00(+0800) ~ 2024/03/09 22:59(+0800)
  • 無料